In June 2012 the first Bulgarian comment on the most important EU Regulation on international jurisdiction and exequatur in civil and commercial matters – Regulation (EC) № 44/2001 ( Brussels I) was published. The comment bears the title “Brussels I Regulation”, it is issued by the publisher “Ciela” and has a volume of 624 pages. All of its authors are experts in private international law and members of the Institute of Private International Law, under whose auspices it was prepared. Boriana Musseva comments two key areas: the grounds for parallel international jurisdiction of the courts of Member States in civil and commercial matters and the grounds for refusal of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.
The comments takes into account previously existing developments in the doctrine of the private international law in the Member States, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice, decisions of the courts of Member States (including existing Bulgarian case law) and legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria. The laws of some other Member States are examined as a comparison.
The work is intended mainly for Bulgarian readers – practitioners and law students.