- B. Musseva: Who is “an interested party” in the process of recognition and/or enforcement of foreign judgement?, in: Savremenno pravo, 5/2011;
- A. Ivanov: You came too late, in Capital paper, 21.10.2011;
- A. Ivanov: Defence is possible, in Capital paper, September 2011;
- B. Musseva: Could Apple and Samsung have law-sued in Bulgaria, in Capital paper, 33/2011;
- B. Musseva: Application of Foreign Law in Bulgaria, coauthor, Sellier, European Law Publishers, München, 2011;
- B. Musseva: Special Jurisdiction – Art. 5 and Art. 6, in the book: Brussels I Regulation, to be published in 2011;
- B. Musseva: Grounds for Revoking a Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgement – Art. 34 and Art. 35, in the book: Brussels I Regulation, to be published in 2011;
- A. Ivanov: What does the law say, in Capital paper, 3/2010;
- B. Musseva: Coordination of Parallel Proceedings before Courts of the EU Member-States, in: Juridicheski Svjat, 1/2010;
- A. Ivanov: Two levs from the own business or why the reduction of the minimal required subscribed capital of the OOD encourages undertakers without endangering the creditors, in Capital paper, 35/2009;
- B. Musseva: Applicable Law to Individual Employment Contracts according to the Rome Convention and the Proposal for Regulation Rome I, in the book: Actual Problems of the Labour and Socual Security Law, 2009 ;
- B. Musseva: Objective Connection Factors for Contractual Obligations. Scope of Application, in the book: Regulation Rome I, 2009;
- B. Musseva: Some Problems of the Service of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters as per Regulation Nr. 1348/200, Regulation Nr. 1393/2007 and Part VII of GPK, in the book: Private International Law and some rules of GPK in the Light of the EU-Sources, 2008;
- A. Ivanov: Corporate mobility in the EU, master thesis, 06.2008;
- B. Musseva: The Freedom of Choice in Tort Cases – in the Bosom of the Code on Private International Law and the Regulation (EC) 864/2007 on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations (Rom II), in the book: Freedom of Choice in the Private International Law, 2008;
- A. Ivanov: Review of the new Regulation on operation, safe-keeping and access to the Commercial Register, in: Targovsko I konkurentno pravo, 4/2007;
- B. Musseva: Connection and Coordination between the Bulgarian and the European Private International Law, in: Juridicheski Svjat, 2/2007;
- B. Musseva: Das neue internationale Zivilverfahrensrecht Bulgariens in Zivil- und Handelssachen, in: Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax),3/2007;
- A. Ivanov: Essence of the safeguard clause in the field of Justice and Internal Affairs, in: Dnevnik daily paper, April 2006;
- B. Musseva: Through the Labyrinth of the International Jurisdiction for Civil and Commercial Matters, in: Juridicheski Svjat, 2/2006;
- B. Musseva: The Set-Off in the Private International Law, in: Savremenno Pravo, 1/2006;
- B. Musseva: Basic Criteria for Determining the Applicable Law in Torts according to the New Code of Private International Law, in: Targovsko Pravo, 5-6/ 2005;
- A. Ivanov: Chapter 3: Significance of a legal due diligence survey in the bookAcquisition of an enterprise. Commercial law aspects., 2004;
- B. Musseva: Special Criteria for Determining the Applicable Law in Torts according to the New Code of Private International Law, in: Targovsko Pravo, 1/ 2006;
- B. Musseva: More about the Three Basic Connecting Factors for Determining the Applicable Law in Torts according to the Bulgarian Private International Law, in:Targovsko Pravo, 3/ 2004;
- B. Musseva: Is it Possible to Agree on the Law Applicable in Tort Cases according to the Bulgarian Private International Law?, in: Savremenno pravo, 6/ 2003;